Community Connections

Serving in Our Community

St. Mary’s Dining Room:  “More than meals…”

There are certain requirements for serving at St. Mary’s. No drop-ins accepted.

1) Provide proof of completed COVID-19 vaccination (CDC Card).

2) Submit an online volunteer application for a group or an individual. A copy of your CDC card(s) can be uploaded there.

3) Must wear masks correctly (covering mouth and nose) at all times.

4) Be approved and scheduled for all shifts.

5) Currently groups cannot exceed 5 volunteers.

If you would like more details about serving, or would like to participate, please e-mail or phone Clive Snedker:; phone (209) 239-9103, or cell (209) 609-3814.

For more information about St. Mary’s Dining Room visit their website.

Courage House Quilts

Meets the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00am.  Contact
Diane Dolphin for more information at (209) 479.1945.

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