Home Worship Resources

There’s nothing like confessing, praying, and singing along with a large group of people, all worshipping the Lord in the same place. In fact, the book of Revelation describes a beautiful scene where “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages,” will worship the Lord at the foot of His throne (Revelation 7:9, 10). But is being in a large group the only way to enjoy praising God? Of course not!

King David wrote some of his prayers and worship songs while hiding in caves (see Psalms 57 and 142). Paul and Silas sang hymns together in a dungeon (Acts 16). Daniel prayed alone in his house every day (Daniel 6). Jesus told His followers  that it’s better to pray inside your room with the door shut than to show off with public prayer (Matthew 5:5, 6). Jonah even sang a prayer while inside the belly of a fish!

As Americans, most of us are used to the gift of being able to regularly worship in a group on Sundays and during the week. Right now, it’s best not to do that, so what can we do? In addition to joining St. Andrews for live-stream worship on Sundays at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m., here are some worship-at-home ideas for you and your family!

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