Serve and Be Served This Month!

It’s an exciting month at St. Andrews!

Q: What do turkey, spaghetti, hockey, shoeboxes, See’s Candies, and helpful teens all have in common?

A: They all involve ways for you to serve and be served during the next few weeks! Check out these awesome opportunities…and be sure to scroll all the way to the end to see how you can get free labor!

When: Now until November 14th is our last window to collect boxes and donations for this incredible ministry to children around the world!

Why: Some of these children have never owned anything before…and many of them have never heard of Jesus.

How: Get your box and packing list from St. Andrews on Sunday, OR put a donation in the dropbox in the Narthex, OR click here to build a shoebox online.

When: Tickets on sale now until November 14th. Dinner is on November 19th at 6PM.

Why: Eighteen of our high schoolers, young adults, and adult mentors will be attending the National Youth Gathering in Texas next summer. We can help them get there!

How: Buy tickets after church services or contact Pastor Brian. $15 for ages 12 and up, $5 for 11 and younger, or $30 for families with children under age 12.

When: Order See’s chocolates and treats now through November 19th. Delivery before Christmas.

Why: Our own Newday preschoolers are fundraising! Help out these sweet kiddos AND spread the joy of candy to you loved ones.

How: Click here to see options and print an order form, OR catch Marla Rivas after church, OR call Newday at (209) 957-4089.

BONUS: The 4s and 5s classes will be singing during the 10:45 Sunday service on 11/14. Join us for goodies afterward and meet the families!

When: Get your tickets for the Faith Night hockey game + Christian concert before November 19th! Game is December 3rd at 7PM.

Why: This is another opportunity to raise funds for those attending the National Youth Gathering. Each $20 ticket covers the game and the concert–and half that purchase goes to the St. Andrews youth!

How: Hit up Pastor Brian for tickets. He has a limited number, so don’t wait!

When: Collecting groceries and donations for our Thanksgiving Baskets until November 21st at 9:45AM.

Why: Not everyone in our community is able to provide a feast for their family. Bless 45 families in Stockton with a full turkey dinner in a basket!

How: Bring donations to church (please try not to bring turkeys too far in advance). Click here for a list of what you can donate…or designate checks to St. Andrews for “Thanksgiving Baskets.”

When: Get help in the yard or around the house whenever it’s convenient!

Why: Our H2H students are looking for ways to put their faith in action by serving others. If you’ve got yard work, cleaning, filing, pet care, or other chores, consider calling in a middle-schooler to help!

How: Coordinate by contacting Michael Rehbein or Pastor Brian.

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